Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Internet, The Web and Electronic Commerce

Java is an interpreted programming or script language from netscape.script languages are easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled languages such as C and C++. Script languages generally take longer to process than compiled languages, but are very useful for shorter programs.There are few example for the usage of javascript such as Blogger, Forum and others.

What is applets? Applets is a little application. Prior to the World Wide Web(WWW), the built-in-writing and drawing programs that came with windows were called "Applets". An applet is a small program that can be sent along with a Web page to a user. Applets can perform interactive animations, immediate calculations, or other simple tasks without having to send a user request back to the server.

The define filters dialog box allows you to define filters that you then apply to data conflicts to see a subset of the conflicts in the grid. To define a filter, choose an operator from the operator drop-down list box and then enter a value.

Plug-in applications are programs that can easily be installed and used as part of your Web browser such as Firefox mozilla. Initially, the Netscape/Fierfox browser allowed you to download, install, and define supplementary programs that played sound or motion video or performed other functions.

Internet Security Suite

A suite of utilities for maintaining the security of a Windows PC. It include more than a dozen utilities such as antivirus, personal firewall, spam blocker and popup blocker and etc.

FTP(File Transfer Protocol)

The meaning of FTP is File Transfer Protocol. The protocol for exchanging files over the internet. which transfers displayable Web pages and related files. FTP is an application protocol that uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols. FTP is commonly used to transfer Web page files from their creator to the computer that acts as their server for everyone on the Internet. It's also commonly used to download programs and other files to your computer from other servers. It also allow user to uploading a Web page file to a server which is megaupload, rapidshare and etc for another user to download it.


A wiki is a Web site that allows users to add and update content  the site using their own Web browser. Wiki made by Wiki software that runs on the Web server. Wikis end up being created by a collaborative effort of the site visitors. A great example for wiki is Wikipedia. But these info added by visitors not one hundred percent correct or true.


URL mean Uniform Resource Locator. It is a address of a resource, or file, available on the Internet. The URL contains the protocol of the resource for example http:// or ftp:// , the domain name for the resource, and the hierarchical name for the file. For example, a page on the internet may be at the URL http://www.learnthat.com/define/u/url.shtml.

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